Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

to my "friend" because she is being mean!

I hope you all have a great holiday and that its everything you want it to be and more!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just checking in....

Just thought I would check in to let you all know that it has been a quiet week.  Just doing Christmas gifts and hangin out around the house.

Also, I have been working up some Pride ideas in my head and after Christmas I plan on making a few items for your review.  I hope you will let me know what you do and don't like.  I want Pride to be amazing and I hope to really get our name out there!

Anyway...hope all is going well...Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


With less than two weeks until Christmas I am getting a little bit panicky.  I have a lot to get done.  I guess its time to get really creative!  I believe handmade gifts are so much more fun to give....especially when they turn out cool!

I hope you all are having a great holiday season!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Monday!

This weekend was a total bust.  Either nobody wanted to buy jewelry or the setup was just not inviting enough.  Either was a bust.

Starting now to think about Pride.  Hopefully I can make some nice pieces that will be appreciated at Pride 2012.  Also going to focus more on Etsy and getting some good photos of what I do have.  I think its time to get back to real life but also try to make this happen as well.  It will be hard work but its not like I have something better to do.

Have a great Monday!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Downtown Nampa Bazaar - Part 2

Once again we are doing the Downtown Nampa Holiday Bazaar in hopes to get our name out more.  I am stressed as usual (even though I promised the "friend" that I would not).  Stress is what I do.  I always worry I will forget something or embarrass myself (more than normal).  I always look forward to doing these shows because I get to get out and see people.  I just need to learn to take it less personal when they don't buy.  I am still trying to figure out if I really have talent or if people are just humoring me.

Well...have a great weekend I know mine will be busy but I am hoping it will be an outrageous success!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting your name out there....

Its a full-time job just getting your name out there....

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, business cards.....How does one keep up on it all?!?!

I would have to be fueled by pure insanity!  I never know what to say on my blog page.  I just type and whatever comes out, are reading it now, you can see what happens.

Facebook?  Well that is just about driving your friends and family crazy!  (Its nice to have company!)

Twitter?  Oh who knows!  I just post a thought or two and that one just happens.
Etsy?  Well that one takes some thought and planning...(OH NO!)  Those are not my stronger traits!

Business that one I can handle.  I just get to hand those out with almost zero thought!  Its a marketing dream come true!   Just kidding.  Its still about getting them into the right hands, it just doesn't take much of a thought process to hand them out...

I will continue to push my name out there no matter what I have to do...I just hope that someday my name will put itself out there so all I have to do is make jewelry!  (A girl can wish can't she?)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I thought about it and that so-called "friend" of mine pushed until I decided not to give up!  My other half also did some talking as here we go....working hard at it again.  Have decided to to this weekend's Nampa Holiday Bazaar.  Luckily I have enough inventory to not have to hurry and get things made.  Just need to figure out a couple display changes then I will be fine.

Feeling much better today.  Thanks to my "friend" and other half for convincing me to not give up on my dreams.

Love Ya Both!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Today is a hard day already.  I have put all I possibly could into this jewelry venture hoping it would go somewhere.  I feel I should just quit dreaming and move on.  This is hard for me to think because I truly enjoy making jewelry and would love to be able to make a business out of this.  Have some serious soul searching to do.  Have to figure out how to make it work, if I can.

Hope you all have a great day!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend's Events...

Overall this weekend went pretty good.  I did not make my millions but got the name out there more and had some fun doing it.  Its very strange how retail goes.  One show you don't sell any of one thing and the next time everybody buys it.  I find it interesting.

Friday evening and all day Saturday I was at the Downtown Holiday Bazaar.  Sunday I was in Boise visiting all day and the I came home to find out from the neighbor that the cops had been in my house.  Talk about stunned!    Apparently there was a door open so they came in to make sure everything was OK.  I just don't know how a door was left open.  So needless to say it was a restless night as I couldn't make sense of it all and just felt uncomfortable.  Oh well...this too shall pass.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nampa Bazaar has finally arrived.  I have been waiting and working hard for this Bazaar this weekend and now its time!  Am I ready?  I never feel ready!  I know this is going to be a good weekend for US but I am stressing now.  Its what I do.

The people running this bazaar seem really organized and have done a nice job getting the word out about this.  I have shared with everyone I know to the point that I think I have irritated  They will be thankful when the Holiday Season is over and they don't have to hear about bazaars from me.  However, I will still haunt them with new jewelry pics.

Have some pretty good help this weekend.  My daughter and that "friend" I keep telling you all about.  It will either be fun OR I will need a good, stiff drink by the time its all over!  Its been a while since I have drank so if they make me start well, lets just say,  I wish them luck....

Well, I am off to go get into full-blown panic mode...remember "The sky is not the limit, its only the view"!  Have a GREAT weekend, I know I am going to!

Thursday, December 1, 2011



I love making jewelry.  It makes everything seem OK.  I know that sounds strange but I find that when the world is stressing me I can find peace and sanity by just sitting down and creating a new piece.  

I have been putting it out to the Universe that I want this jewelry venture to work.  Its something I enjoy, I am doing something good by recycling on some of my pieces, I share it with people I care about and I enjoy working at home.  What more could I ask for?